Convention Details

Convention Details

Companions and Friends of the Legion of Valor,

Our 132nd Annual Reunion is set for 16-20 October 2024 in Colorado Springs, Colorado! This is the first time the Legion has held their reunion in Colorado since 1890, and the Rocky Mountains are going to provide the most picturesque and inspirational backdrop to this storied event. We have secured the historic Antlers Hotel, right in the heart of downtown Colorado Springs, as our host venue. You will see more details being rolled out in the weeks ahead on registration and sequence of events for this historic week in one of America’s most military friendly cities in America.

Six major military commands call the Pikes Peak region their home. United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) is Headquartered in the Springs and is coupled with North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The United States Space Force Command is also located at Peterson Space Force Base, which is right next to Shriver Space Force Base. To the South of downtown Colorado Springs, in the shadow of the Cheyenne Mountain, is Fort Carson, home of the world’s finest 4th Infantry Division of the United States Army, and to the North of the city is one of our nations pinnacle institutions of higher learning, the United States Air Force Academy. There is going to be plenty of interaction between all commands and bases with our members of the Legion and the city is looking forward to hosting such a storied organization as ours.

Events are being planned at each of the bases and stations as well as a visit to the National Museum of World War Two Aviation, the Pioneer Museum, and a host of other great local venues as well as provide attendees with some ala carte options to visit other sites in the region at their leisure such as the storied Broadmoor Hotel and Golden Bee lounge, the Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Cripple Creek, or for rail enthusiasts, a historic ride on the Royal Gorge railway, listed as one of the most picturesque rides in America. 

Watch this site for updates. Hotel reservations are now open at the convention rate, which will apply up to two days before and two days after the convention dates.

Justin D Lehew NC
National Commander

Planned Schedule

Wed-16 October
Arrival, Registration and Commanders Social from 1800-2000 at the world famous Antlers Downtown Hotel. This is a hosted bar, food, in a relaxed, casual meet and greet atmosphere on site, interacting with local leaders and military as well

Thur-17 October
Air Force Day. Air Force Academy tour on tap 0900-1400. Lunch provided on AFA with leadership and cadets. Return to hotel, tour and dinner on your own.

Fri-18 October
US Army/NORAD Day. Fort Carson tour on tap 0900-1300. 4th ID Museum, Static displays, Lunch provided with soldiers and leadership. Afternoon transport to Cheyenne Mountain (Tentative as they are still working the VIP authorization as they stopped this tour 25 years ago due to 9/11 but are moving some things around to accommodate the LOV.) Return to Antlers, dinner on your own.

Sat- 19 October
Board meetings in the morning along with General Membership meeting. Afternoon prep for evening gala. Cocktails 1800-1845. Gala event 1900-2200. Western Buffet dinner. Memorial service will be woven into the gala evening so our recently departed companions can be in the ball room in spirit with us and honored by all. Guest of Honor is the President of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, Britt Slabinski MOH…and I have asked a good friend to host as Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Harry Smith. World Famous CBS/NBC correspondent, host of the CBS Morning show and NBC today show and nightly news over the years, as well as his wife may be co-hosting…Mrs. Aundrea Joyce…world famous correspondent herself, currently in Paris covering the Olympics, she and Harry have been married for 33 years. Music for the evening provided by both the 4th Infantry Division Band as well as the world-famous Air Force Academy Band, with vocal soloists as well for the National Anthem and other entertainment.

Sun- 20 October
Checkout and goodbyes until next year.

The dugout (historically correct name in the LOV for what has been known as the hospitality room), will be open nightly.

Hotel Reservations – Open

Antlers Hotel
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Book your group rate for 132nd Legion of Valor National Convention 

Do not make reservations at or other third-party sites. Special rates apply. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE ON OR BEFORE 16 SEPTEMBER to receive special rates.

Room rates are listed on the link above.
Check in: 1600     Check out: 1100
Reservations must be received on or by 16 September 2024.

Last day this year for hotel and event registrations will be 16 September 2024. No additions will be made after this and the rates will almost double for the hotel. There will be limited lodging options downtown during this time anywhere for less than $250 so please DO NOT wait till the last minute. We have a great rate right now at $127.00 so I would jump on that immediately if you have not. you can register for both the hotel, and the reunion on this site.

Registration – Open

Registration is now open. Registration is $100/person.
Register online on this site or via mail.


If you are flying into Denver. There is a shuttle from the airport that can bring you straight to Colorado Springs if you do not want to mess with a rental car. It’s called Groome Transportation and you can register for that here:

Colorado Springs Shuttle – Groome Transportation – Book Now